Each year, the number of companies and industries that recognize the benefits of biogas increases. Today, we feature two prominent ones: Anheuser-Busch and IndyCar’s Steinbrenner Andretti Racing. Anheuser-Busch just made a major announcement to fuel their fleet with renewable natural gas made from biogas and will discuss how they decided biogas and RNG needed to be a key part of their corporate strategy. Last year, ABC introduced Steinbrenner Andretti Racing to the high octane and wide-reaching benefits of biogas. They won’t switch the race cars yet, but enormous opportunities exist to power the venues, camps, and hospitality areas with renewable, biogas power, plus recycling food waste and fueling the heavy duty transports that move the race circuit around the country. In both cases, shifting to green energy helps to attract new customers and fans and that means new revenue.
This session takes place September 10 from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET. View the entire event program and register for BIOGAS AMERICAS LIVE at biogasamericas.com/