About Biogas

System Types
Biogas systems are often defined by type. Learn more about the difference between a wet and dry digester as well as continuous mix system, plug flow system, and more.

Why Biogas
New to biogas? Learn all about the basics and benefits of biogas.

How Systems Work
Learn the basics of what goes into a digester and how the material is broken down, processed and distributed.

A list of our frequently asked biogas questions.

RIN Calculator
This calculator allows you to put in your project’s exact data and the current value of the RIN and LCFS credit to calculate your potential RIN and LCFS revenue.
Purity Recommendations
After recognizing a significant barrier to the growth of RNG generation in the US, ABC’s RNG Committee developed a gas purity specification for RNG projects injecting into gas distribution systems.

Biomethane / RNG
An infographic that will take you through the process of how biogas is cleaned to produce RNG for electricity or vehicle fuel.

State Profiles
Learn state specific data on potential methane production, number of current projects, and number of potential projects by feedstock type as well as what realizing these potential projects would mean in terms of capital investment and job creation in that state.

Organic Recycling Policies
Use our interactive map of the United States to learn about the organics recycling policies in each, if any.

RIN Calculator
This calculator allows you to put in your project’s exact data and the current value of the RIN and LCFS credit to calculate your potential RIN and LCFS revenue.

Research Database
This page is a clearing house for completed biogas-related research projects.

Industry Directory
Meet and connect with our members. Filter the directory by location or sector of the industry.