Gripped with anger, some Iowa ethanol leaders say President Donald Trump should no longer count on their support in next year’s election, given his administration’s action to cut demand for the U.S. renewable fuel.
“If people connected to agriculture decide to vote for the president, they’re just voting to cut off their own economic prosperity,” said Nick Bowdish, CEO of Elite Ethanol in Atlantic. Earlier this month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency let 31 oil refineries off the hook from a requirement to blend 1.4 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel into their fuel. Since taking office, the Trump administration has granted 85 refineries a pass from buying 4 billion gallons of renewable fuel, killing demand for 1.4 billion bushels of corn used to make it, Bowdish said. [The American Biogas Council has denounced the waivers as well.] More>>