Boston’s first “zero waste” plan has been released, setting an 80% recycling rate target by 2035 and 90% by 2050. The current citywide recycling rate is 25%. The estimated price tag for all 30 recommendations is $58 million per year, but the city expects it could save $40 million through waste reduction. The city will issue an RFP for a subscription-based curbside food waste collection pilot that could launch as soon as this fall. Boston’s Public Works Department (PWD) also plans to expand the availability of curbside and drop-off service for yard waste. In addition, an RFI will be issued for a “potential large-scale program” to address both categories. Boston will also release an RFP for free curbside textile collection. The plan’s recommendations outline multiple other areas of short-term focus: recycling education, commercial waste services, city procurement practices, reporting metrics, infrastructure development and reuse strategies, among others. More >>