This week, ABC member Cross River Infrastructure Partners revealed their first project in a multi-project development program with NW Natural and Tyson Foods and BioCarbN. NW Natural is converting methane from Tyson Foods facilities into RNG. Under the partnership, NW Natural has options to invest up to an estimated $38 million in four separate RNG development projects that will access biogas derived from water treatment at Tyson Foods’ processing plants. In December, NW Natural exercised its option for the first development project in Nebraska, initiating investment in an estimated $8 million project. Construction on this first project is expected to begin in early 2021, with completion and commissioning expected in late 2021. Once fully operational, these four projects are expected to generate more than 1.2 million MMBtu of renewable natural gas each year – enough RNG to provide heat for about 18,000 homes NW Natural serves in Oregon. More >>