Top tips for specific types of heat exchanger fouling

When handling difficult materials, such as sewage sludge or corrosive chemicals, heat exchangers can be particularly susceptible to fouling. Having previously looked at the general issue and different types of fouling which may be experienced, it is also useful to...

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Welcome New Member: Esplanade Energy!

Esplanade assists our clients in structuring off-take agreements, short and long term hedging as well as ensuring they monetize all of the environmental benefits available to their specific project. Our clients are our partners and our focus is on long-term...

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Welcome New Member: Marathon Capital!

Marathon Capital is a purpose driven investment bank committed to facilitating a more sustainable energy future. Our mission is to achieve our clients' strategic and financial objectives by delivering inspired, knowledge-based solutions to the renewable power,...

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Adding AD To Composting Facility Footprint

New municipal projects in Belgium are putting in high solids anaerobic digesters at their existing composting sites...A fairly small number of organics recycling facilities in North America combine anaerobic digestion (AD) and composting on the same footprint. In...

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AZ’s Sunoma Renewable Biofuel Project Begins Construction

Construction has begun on the newest dairy biogas to RNG project, the Sunoma Renewable Biofuel Project. The new facility will produce 1.6 million gasoline gallon equivalents (GGE) of vehicle fuel annually for the Class 8 trucking sector—enough fuel to move 10 million...

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