U.S. Gain First to Provide RNG Through New M-RETS RTC Platform

Two ABC members have collaborated to advance the ability to track transactions of voluntary renewable natural gas (RNG) purchases. U.S. Gain, a leader in development, procurement and distribution of renewable natural gas (RNG), has become the first to provide RNG for...

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Court Strikes Down Waivers, RIN Values on the Rise

A federal appeals court in Denver, Colorado, struck down small-refinery exemption extensions to three companies, holding the EPA did not have the authority to issue them. From the ABC's perspective, the court's opinion has some great reasoning on why granting these...

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2020 Dairy Market Report

According to the National Milk Producers Federation, an ABC member, 2020 looks to be a year of continuing recovery for dairy markets, with the return to positive year-over-year export growth for many of the important U.S. dairy export products and a drop in butter...

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