Congress Applies Pressure to EPA on eRINs

EPA's juggling act over renewable fuels may soon become a little more complicated. Senators who support renewable electricity in the fuels law — a sideshow to the battle over liquid biofuel that goes in cars and trucks — want the agency to take action on applications...

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VGS Targets Elimination of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050

ABC member VGS (formerly Vermont Gas) announced today an ambitious and comprehensive strategy to transform the company and eliminate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. The company outlined three key strategies to achieve the near-term goal of a 30% greenhouse gas...

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Are Ancient AD Bugs the Key to Storing Wind and Solar?

In this special podcast episode: Greentech Media tours NREL’s new bioreactor that creates renewable methane from microorganisms, hydrogen and CO2. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and SoCalGas are currently running a new bioreactor that could turn renewable...

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