Dover, MA Transfer Station adds food waste program

Dover’s Transfer Station has installed a designated area for residents to dispose of their food waste. This includes bones, shells, corn cobs, tea bags, coffee grounds, and all meats, eggs and fish. All food must be bagged. Residents may use any type of bag — plastic,...

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Investors smell an opportunity in ripe waste market

US investors are beginning to smell an opportunity in the waste-to-energy market, where livestock dung and food garbage is traded, with interest being fuelled by new state laws and demand from companies such as UPS. After a lull in investor interest stretching back a...

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EPA grants 31 small refinery exemptions for RFS

EPA is granting 31 small refinery RFS exemptions for the 2018 compliance year, as well as 6 denials. The estimated volume of gasoline and diesel exempted is 13,420 million gallons; the estimated renewable volume obligations (RVO) exempted is 1,430 million RINs...The...

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