Air Liquide is Hiring!
ABC Member Air Liquide is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the role of Biogas Business Developer. Join the Air Liquide team today by applying for this open position. Apply Here Biogas Business Developer- Newark, DE The Global Markets & Technologies...
Welcome New Member: Heartland Energy Services!
Heartland Energy Services is an energy services provider focused on rural energy development for farmers and other rural business and land owners. We are focused on the development of energy resources and markets (e.g. biogas, solar, carbon credits). More >>
Welcome New Member: Team Biogas!
Team Biogas provides biogas/biomethane instrumentation and analysis for renewable natural gas. More >>
American Biogas Council Announces Board Election Results
January 17, 2024 - WASHINGTON – The American Biogas Council (ABC) announced today the results of its annual board election. Five individuals were re-elected, and one new director has joined the board: Re-elected board members include: Nathalie Hoffman is the Director...
Ag-Grid Energy’s 5th Anaerobic Digester Project Begins Exporting Electricity
Ag-Grid Energy LLC is proud to announce the December 2023 start-up of its anaerobic digester at Lent Hill Dairy Farm in Cohocton, NY. A partnership between Ag-Grid and Lent Hill, the digester is Ag-Grid Energy’s fifth operating waste-to-energy facility and its first...
Save the Date for BUSINESS OF BIOGAS 2024
BUSINESS OF BIOGAS returns this October! Join 300 of the most active project developers and investors in the biogas industry to network and learn the best ways to maximize biogas production and profitability. Set meetings with the people who get things done, position...
Welcome New Member: Bolinger Biogas!
Bolinger Biogas was founded in 2021 with the mission to build, operate, and maintain biogas facilities in the state of Indiana. We plan to leverage the numerous arrays of existing technologies in an efficient and sustainable manner. We are here to create long-lasting...
Welcome New Member: Ivys Adsorption!
Ivys Adsorption, Inc. is a leading provider of gas purification and processing equipment in the clean energy and compressed air markets. Ivys's products have been used world wide in applications related to biogas upgrading, carbon capture, hydrogen purification,...
ABC Member Provedal is Hiring!
ABC Member Provedal is looking for qualified candidates to fill the roles of Sales Manager, Operation Manager, Technical Support, and Service Technician. Join the Provedal team today by applying for one of the below open positions. Sales Manager:...