bp reaffirms biogas’s role for energy transition growth

As the world seeks lower carbon fuels, bp sees clear opportunities to leverage its portfolio of assets and customer base – hence bioenergy is one of bp’s transition growth engines. This includes biofuels, including sustainable aviation fuel, and biogas. Building on...

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Welcome New Member: Electrochaea Corporation!

Electrochaea is an energy technology company with a solution for clean fuels supporting grid-scale production of renewable natural gas. Electrochaea enables replacement of fossil natural gas while fully utilizing the existing infrastructure for storage, distribution...

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Livestock’s role in greenhouse gases often overstated

Farm animals don’t play near the role in emitting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as some suggest. In fact, the livestock industry has become much more efficient and looks to be part of future climate solutions, according to Frank Mitloehner, professor of animal...

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Connections: A Digestate Primer

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is like the dream come true — you get the green energy and the soil amendment. I’ve been asked to talk about whether the material coming out of a digester — referred to as digestate — is as good for soils as compost or municipal biosolids...

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NM Senate Passes Clean Fuel Standard. House Next

Legislation that would establish a clean fuel standard in New Mexico cleared the state Senate on a 25-16 vote Thursday and heads next to the House. The proposal, Senate Bill 14, calls for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from each unit of fuel used for...

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