How to Maximize USDA Grant Dollars from REAP

January 30, 2020 | 1:00 PM EST

Are you developing a biogas-electricity or RNG project that serves the agriculture industry? With recent changes in the industry, newly passed tax credits, and the application for USDA’s Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP) from the last Farm Bill, it’s the right time to update you and teach you all the tricks to maximize the USDA grant dollars you can get from this popular program for biogas, solar, wind and other renewable energy projects.

In this interactive webinar, taught by the USDA professionals who review REAP applications, you will learn how to maximize your 85 points and the grant and loan dollars your next biogas-electricity or RNG project can receive.  Plus, we’ll teach you how to find out how much money your state’s energy coordinator has been allocated with the newly passed FY2020 budget so you can make a fundable and competitive request and how to get the extra 10 administrator points. Finally, all registrants will receive a copy of the worksheet to plug in details of your next project and see how it scores now.

ABC members, login for direct access to the recording and slides.

Topics Covered

  • What projects are eligible? On/off-farm? Electricity? RNG?
  • How competitive will your state be? 
  • How to find how much money was allocated by the Federal budget and guessing what other projects might be applying
  • How to get all 85 points and maximize your REAP score
  • How to get 10 extra administrator points
  • Increased activity for REAP loans
  • Q&A


  • Fred Petok, Business Loan and Grant Analyst, USDA

  • Irene Langan, Energy Programs Specialist, USDA

  • Moderator: Patrick Serfass, American Biogas Council