Message from Tom: Thanks for watching this video of the 1st hog farm microgrid in NC with the help of NCEMCS and SREMC. There should be and could be more microgrids such as this first one on other NC hog farms in the future. The swine industry in NC should explore more possibilities such as Microgrids for their energy needs. Microgrids deals with energy needs and sustainability but there are technologies other than microgrids available to deal with swine waste management and they are just waiting to be used by the industry, mainly Smithfield Foods, if they would adopt, endorse, install and implement these systems. (example) Osmosis and reverse osmosis. Yes, they are expensive and on a small scale not feasible but absolutely doable and economic feasible if done on a large scale and with support of the integrator. Smithfield Foods is one of the few companies that have the resources to implement these new technologies. Technologies that will truly have an immediate and positive environmental impact on our entire industry and especially a positive impact on our swine integrators and contract CAFO hog farms. These farms are dotted throughout four or five eastern North Carolina counties, that currently use the lagoon and spray field system to handle our waste and thereby causing numerous environmental problems. If the new technologies are put in place there will be no need for the proposed biogas to pipeline system being implemented at present and one that has been vigorously opposed to by all environmental groups. The biogas methane to pipeline has a few environmental positives such as sequestering greenhouse gases but leaves a lot lacking for the lagoon owner and has very little positive impact for the farmer or the environment. This entire statement is my opinion and I base my opinion on 27 years of being an owner/operator of a 7350/8200 head feeder to finish contract hog farm. I admit I am part of the problem but trying hard to help correct it. I am not an activist trying to do away with hog farms but a strong outspoken advocate for better waste management. Thank you, Tom Butler More >>