The USDA on May 20 published its 90-Day Progress Report on Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry. The report reflects initial conversions with stakeholders, including the American Biogas Council, on how the agency should develop its climate smart strategy and indicates bioenergy will play a significant role in meeting federal climate goals….the report stresses the opportunities associated with USDA support for the deployment and development of methane digesters, biogas, and biobased products. “The adoption of on-farm biogas capture technologies and the production of biobased products can provide producers with new income streams while also reducing GHG emissions and improving water quality,” according to USDA. “Opportunities to generate income from these technologies include the generation of renewable electricity and the production of biobased products from manure, renewable natural gas (RNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). USDA should support producers as they enter these new markets and consider innovative finance mechanisms to provide upfront capital for biogas technologies and encourage the connection of multiple small operations to provide economical renewable energy production.” More >>