Valkyrie Analytics, Inc. is revolutionizing anaerobic digestion system stability and profitability with its analytical platform, which offers advanced analytics solutions to help owners and operators of anaerobic digestion facilities make informed decisions, optimize processes, and drive growth. Its continual success in avoiding costly facility shutdowns and fine-tuning operations has shown that the technology is integral for the future of anaerobic digestion. The system provides owners and operators with the capability to monitor the biological health of their digester 24/7 and in real-time. Valkyrie not only identifies and alerts staff of potential operational hazards but also demonstrates a significant increase in biogas production. The Valkyrie system can apply expert operational skills, bypassing the need for highly trained and experienced onsite operators and alleviating costly downtime. Valkyrie Analytics’ platform combines powerful algorithms, machine learning, and visualization tools to provide industry leaders with a comprehensive understanding of their complex systems. More >>