Virentis Closes $39 million in Tax Credit Transactions

Virentis Advisors is pleased to announce the closing of several successful tax credit transfer transactions. The transactions involved the transfer of 13 ITC’s totaling over $39 million of Qualified Biogas Property and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) ITC value. These...

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Anaerobic Digestion Of Food Waste

By Nora Goldstein, BioCycle magazine -- Two recent analyses shed light on stand-alone and food waste codigestion facilities processing pre and postconsumer streams. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been surveying operators of anaerobic digesters that...

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ABC Member, Michigan State University: Job Opening

Michigan State University Job Opening: Digester/Compost Facilities Assistant Manager CLASSIFICATION: Farm Assistant Manager WORKING TITLE: Digester/Compost Facilities Assistant Manager UNION/LEVEL: Administrative Professional (AP), Level 12 UNIT: South Campus Animal...

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