Welcome New Member: Propeller Technik Maier (PTM)!
PTM is a specialized manufacturer of highly developed heavy-duty submersible mixers for biogas plants. With many years of experience in dealing with the most demanding applications, we have extensive knowledge of the demanding technical requirements of biogas plants....
Welcome New Member: DuBois Chemicals!
DuBois is a leading single source specialty chemical supplier to the manufacturing, food and beverage, paper and pulp, and water treatment industries. More >>
Welcome New Member: PSB Industries!
PSB Industries is a manufacturer of air and gas purification equipment for the RNG industry. More >>
BioVac Industrial Services and Monitoring Control and Compliance (MCC) Announce Merger to Form LFG Service Partners, Inc.
Wadsworth, Ohio--Monitoring Control and Compliance (MCC) and BioVac Industrial Services (BioVac), two market leaders in the LFG/Biogas sector and industrial cleaning, today announced their merger to form LFG Service Partners, Inc. The combined company aims to expand...
Cohocton, NY Facility in Cohocton Generates Biogas from Dairy Manure and Food Waste
COHOCTON, NY - State and local leaders cut the ribbon on a new renewable energy facility at Lent Hill Dairy Farm in Steuben County. The new plant will make clean power from cow manure and discarded food waste from nearby cheese and yogurt-making plants. The manure and...
New Ag-Grid Energy Facility in Upstate New York Creates Electricity with Dairy Manure and Food Waste
Renewables now powering dairy operations and Chobani-brand yogurt facility COHOCTON, NY — June 28, 2024—State and local leaders cut the ribbon yesterday on a new renewable energy facility at Lent Hill Dairy Farm in Steuben County. The new plant will make clean power...
Welcome New Member: DTA-Bioelectrica!
At Bioelectrica we are dedicated to developing innovative biotechnological processes to convert different organic substrates through the use of microorganisms into biogas, generating renewable electrical energy. Our know-how also includes the use of microorganisms to...
Welcome New Member: Mustang Extreme Environmental Services!
Mustang Extreme Environmental Services is a leader in the installation of geosynthetic liners and secondary containment systems, water treatment for reuse and recycle, and site access matting. This unique suite of complementary products is designed to help customers...
Welcome New Member: Kemira!
Kemira is a global leader in sustainable chemical solutions for water intensive industries. We have strong market positions in the two segments where we operate, Pulp & Paper, and Industry & Water. With over 100 years of history and chemistry expertise, our...