August 2019 Dairy Market Report Now Available

From ABC member National Milk Producers Federation: Dairy prices through this year’s second half are on track to be the highest since 2014’s record highs. This recovery, combined with assistance from the new Dairy Margin Coverage program, doesn’t mean a return to full...

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Ethanol Industry Counters EPA “Zero Evidence” Claim

The Environmental Protection Agency says small refinery waivers have no impact on ethanol producers. EPA this week claimed, “there is zero evidence” the waivers have a negative impact on domestic ethanol producers. However, the biofuels industry disagrees. POET, the...

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Five upgrades to transform any gas engine

Despite the recent increase in biomethane facilities, most of the biogas produced from AD is used to generate electricity and heat, making the combined heat and power (CHP) engines that convert biogas into usable energy a vital piece of equipment. But with many of...

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