Sustain Dane Now Hiring: Executive Director

If you are passionate about our mission focused upon sustainability, enjoy managing a small team of equally passionate professionals, and love rising to meet challenges, then you should consider becoming Sustain Dane’s new Executive Director. Under the direction of...

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2019 could be year of recovery for dairy industry

Hope springs eternal after a long winter, and dairy experts are feeling optimistic that the dairy industry may be showing signs of recovery. "The news that milk production has really slowed ought to help straighten things out and keep milk prices moving in the right...

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Biomass in the Hostess City

At the International Biomass Conference & Expo, technology developers, academia, investors, service and equipment providers, plant personnel and a range of other stakeholders met to gather information, network and collaborate. Trade organization executives...

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Nevada governor signs bill that increases RPS to 50% by 2030

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak signed Senate Bill 358 into law April 22 raising the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 50 percent by 2030, up from the previous requirement of 25 percent by 2025. “Renewable energy is a major cornerstone of my economic development...

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Delivering the future of heat

As an extension of its June 2018 Northeast 80×50 Pathway, a deep dive analysis into ways to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, National Grid is on the verge of filing proposals for the future of heat with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) to help...

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EPA: 32.61 million cellulosic RINs generated in March

The U.S. EPA has released renewable identification number (RIN) generation data for March, reporting that nearly 1.59 billion RINs were generated during the month, including nearly 32.61 million cellulosic RINs. According to the data, more than 32.18 million D3...

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