New EPA report highlights climate impacts of food waste

For the first time in its history, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is publishing a quantitative report underscoring the importance of reducing food waste to address climate change. This initial report, "From Farm to Kitchen: The Environmental...

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PG&E’s gas transmission system receives dairy RNG

In mid-December, dairy-derived RNG from Maas Energy’s facilities in Merced began flowing into Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) gas transmission system. The project was primarily funded through the California Public Utilities Commission’s Dairy Biomethane...

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Denmark celebrates record amount of biogas in gas system

At the end of 2021, a record amount of biogas was recorded in Denmark’s gas system. The amount of biogas injected into the gas system corresponded to just under 25% of gas consumption in the country, Energinet reported. By comparison, at the end of 2020, biogas...

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UGI Adds Renewable Natural Gas to its Supply Portfolio

UGI Utilities, Inc. has begun to accept Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) from Archaea Energy into its pipeline distribution system. Last year, UGI Utilities signed an interconnect agreement with Archaea Energy to accept delivery of RNG produced from the Keystone Landfill...

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Welcome New Member: Emerging Fuels Technology!

Established in 2007, Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) is a technology company focused on the development and implementation of methods for producing synthetic/renewable-fuels and chemicals from a variety of carbonaceous feedstocks such as natural gas, biogas, biomass,...

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