Johnson, Craig introduce RFS Integrity Act

Reps. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., and Angie Craig, D-Minn., on Feb. 19 reintroduced the Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act, which aims to ensure transparency and predictability in the U.S. EPA’s administration of the small refinery exemption (SRE) process. The bill...

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Greenlane Renewables signs $3.6 million in new contracts

Greenlane Renewables Inc. on Feb. 18 announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary and ABC member, Greenlane Biogas North America Ltd., has signed two contracts together worth US$2.8 million for new renewable natural gas (RNG) projects. The first contract involves a...

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Location Sought to Place a Beta Campus-Scale Bioenergy System

ABC members Impact Bioenergy, a leader in small scale organic processing facilities and Thoeni North America, leader in high solids anaerobic digestion systems have teamed up to create a new bioenergy plant that includes both anaerobic digestion and compost finishing....

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Live Oak Bank is hiring

ABC member Live Oak Bank is the largest Small Business Administration lender in the U.S. and they are looking for a Specialty Finance Underwriter. The Specialty Finance Underwriter will guide the borrower and the team through the loan approval process while managing...

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In rate increase proposal, VGS provides update on RNG

A rate hike for natural gas proposed by ABC member Vermont Gas Systems (VGS) would raise an average household monthly bill by about $2.40, the utility announced this week. In addition to natural gas (mostly methane) extracted from underground deposits, the utility is...

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