The “Ready Now” Alternative Fuel

In May, global fleet UPS announced a seven-year agreement to purchase 170 million-gallon equivalents of renewable natural gas (RNG) from leading natural gas fuel provider and ABC member, Clean Energy Fuels—the largest purchase of RNG in US history. This massive...

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It Wasn’t the Cows After All

While the cattle industry is repeatedly accused of being the main culprit for increased global methane emissions (and a leading cause for climate change), a new study shows that the fertilizer industry is the root cause. The report by researchers from Cornell and the...

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New York Food Waste Law Unlocks Economic Opportunity

New York State alone spends $36 million per year solely to transport and dispose of excess food. But there's good news: a new law banning landfilling of food waste in New York State is estimated to provide a net economic benefit of nearly $22 million per year, along...

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